Behold the XKCD Passphrase Generator. Copy and paste it into a file on your own Linux machine, and run (assuming you've installed the 'words' package, which is almost always the case). It'll pick five random words and concatenate them together. Should also run on other machines with Python installed, but you may need to find a words file somewhere and edit accordingly. If this were a real program I'd add paramaters yada yada, but since it's just a toy...#!/usr/bin/python # XKCD passphrase generator. # See XKCD 936 # You'll have to provide your own 'words' file. One word per line. # Unix based systems usually have /usr/share/dict/words but you'll need # to get that from somewhere else for Windows or etc. # After editing wordsfile, numwords, separator: # Execute as: python import os wordsfile="/usr/share/dict/words" numwords = 5 separator = ".%*#!|" def gen_index(len): i=(ord(os.urandom(1)) << 16) + (ord(os.urandom(1)) << 8) + (ord(os.urandom(1))) return i%len f=open(wordsfile) pf="" words = f.readlines() i=gen_index(len(separator)) c=separator[i] while (numwords > 0): i=gen_index(len(words)) s=words[i].strip() if (pf==""): pf=s else: pf=pf+c+s pass numwords = numwords - 1 print pf
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