Saturday, March 17, 2012

Random notes on iSCSI storage

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Best practices for virtualization

A series of notes...

  1. vSphere/ESXi: Expensive. Inscrutable licensing scheme -- they have more SKU's than my employer, almost impossible to tell what you need for your application. Closest thing to It Just Works in virtualization. Call them the Apple of virtualization.
  2. Xen : Paravirtualization gives it an advantage in certain applications such as virtualized Linux VM's in the cloud. Paravirtualization generally is faster than hypervirtualization, though most hypervisors now include paravirtualized device drivers to ease that pain. Xen doesn't Just Work, it's more an erector set. Citrix's XenServer is the closest that Xen gets to vSphere's 'Just Works', I need to download it and try it out.
  3. KVM : The future. Integrating the hypervisor and the OS allows much better performance. That's why VMware wrote their own kernel with integrated hypervisor. Current issues: Management is the biggest difficulty. There is difficulty creating clustered filesystems for swift failover or migration of virtual machines (ESXi's VMFS is a cluster file system -- point several ESXi systems at a VMFS filesystem on a iSCSI or Fiber Channel block storage, and they'll all be able to access virtual machines on that system). Most KVM systems set up to do failover / migration in production use NFS instead, but NFS performs quite poorly for the typical virtualization workload for numerous reasons (may discuss later). Closest thing to VMFS performance for VM disks is using LVM volumes or clustered LVM (if using iSCSI block storage), but there are no management tools for KVM allowing you to set up LVM pools and manage them for virtual machine storage with snapshots and so forth. Virtual disk performance on normal Linux filesystems, via the qcow2 format, sucks whether you're talking ext4, xfs, or nfs. In short, the raw underlying bits and pieces are all there, but there is not a management infrastructure to use them. Best practice performance-wise for clustered setup: NFS share for metadata (xml description files of VM's, etc.), iSCSI or Fiber Channel block storage possibly sliced/diced with clustered LVM for the VM disks.
So what am I going to use today if I'm a busy IT guy who wants something that Just Works? VMware vSphere. Duh. If, on the other hand, I'm building a thousand-node cluster, a) it's probably my full time job so I have time to spend futzing with things like clustered LVM, and b) the cost of vSphere for a cluster that large would be astronomical so would decidedly make paying my salary to implement Xen or KVM on said cluster more palatable than paying VMware.


Random notes on automating Windows builds

  1. Install the version control system of choice. In this case, bitkeeper, but any other CLI-drivable vc system will work.
  2. Check out your directory tree of the various products you are going to be building.
  3. Install the *real* Microsoft Visual Studio 10
  4. Create a solution (Microsoft-speak for "makefile" though it isn't) for each of the individual solutions you are building as part of your overall product and make sure each solution builds. This will be saved in the file Foo.vcxproj (for some solution named Foo) in each solution's root directory.
  5. Add the directory that 'devend' and 'nmake' lives in to your PATH in your system config. Control Panel->System->Advanced SYstem Settings->Environment Variables, edit user variable Path. My Path looks like: C:\Users\\bitkeeper;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin
  6. Create a standard Unix-style makefile in the parent directory that has a list of the subdirectories to recurse into, then in each subdirectory, a Makefile that has 'devenv /build Foo.vcxproj' to build and 'devend /clean Foo.vcxproj' to clean.
  7. Test your make file with 'make', make sure that the proper .exe files are produced in each of your subdirectories.
  8. With Visual Studio closed, install Wix and Votive
  9. Use Votive to build a WiX project file and "compile" it to XML.
Once you've done this, then you can edit the Makefile at the root of your project so that after it recurses the directory, it runs the WiX commands:
  1. candle product.wxs
  2. light product.wixobj
The output should be product.msi.

Install Jenkins to integrate with the source control system, check from time to time for new checkins, then fire off a build via use of nmake when the checkins happen. Jenkins does run under Windows, with some caveats. See e.g. Setting up Jenkins as a Windows service. Biggest issue may be getting email to go out on Windows, will have to investigate that further once I get to that point.